Head First Java Chapter 02 summary

Udesh Kavinda
2 min readOct 20, 2021


Procedural Programmer (PP) vs Object Oriented Programmer(OOP)

  • PP thinks in terms of what things this program has to do, but OOP thinks what are the things in the program.
  • When Specification of program change the PP have to change the existing code and re-test all, but for OOP, he has
    test only the changed portion.
  • In OO programming, you can always follow these steps for efficient design
  • Check what is common in all the classes.
  • Abstract the common feature and put in a super class.
  • Inherit all the Sub Class with feature from Super class.
  • Override any specific requirement in one of the Sub Class.

Bullet Point

  • Object-Oriented programming lets you extend a program without having to touch previously-tested, working code.
  • All java code is defined in a class.
  • A class describes how to make an object of that class type. A Class is like a blueprint.
  • An object can take care of itself, you don’t have to know or care how the object does it.
  • An object knows things and does things.
  • Things an object knows about itself are called instance variables. They represent the state of an object.
  • Things an object does are called methods. They represent the behavior of an object.
  • When you create a class, you may also want to create a separate test class which you will use to create objects of your class type.
  • A class can inherit instance variables and method from a more abstract superclass.
  • At runtime, a java program is nothing more than objects ‘talking’ to other object.



Udesh Kavinda
Udesh Kavinda

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