Head First Java Chapter 03 summary
2 min readOct 20, 2021
Declaring a variable
- Java cares about type., So for this type safety to work, you must declare the type of your variable.
Variables are of two type:
1 Primitive
2 Object Reference
There is only these two declaration rule.
1 variables must have a type.
2 variables must have a name.
Primitive Type
There are eight primitive types:
Boolean char byte short int long float double
you can remember it like,
be care full bears shouldn’t ingest large furry dog
- You can put a very large value say(long) into a small value(int), without losing information
- But you can put small value in a large variable.
Primitive Naming Convention.
Here is the rules for naming a variables.
1. It must start with a letter, underscore(_), or dollar sign ($). You can’t start a name with a number.
2. After the first character, you can use numbers as well, just don’t start it with a number.
3. It cannot be from the Java reserved words.
Object Reference
- There is actually no such thing as an object variable.
- There’s only an object reference variable.
- An Object reference variable holds bits that represent a way to access an object.
- It doesn’t hold the object itself.
- Object reference are like Remote Control for actual object.
- You cannot do arithmetic on a reference variable.
- Declare an int array variable, An array variable is a remote control to an array object.
int[] nums
- Create a new int array with a length of 3.
nums = new
- Give each element in the array an int value.
nums[0] = 6;
nums[1] = 5;
nums[2] = 4;
- Arrays are always objects, whether they’re declared to hold primitives or object reference.
- Once you’ve declared an array, you can’t put anything in it except things that are of the declared type.
Bullet Point
- Variables come in two flavors: primitive and reference
- Variable must always be declared with a name and a type.
- A primitive variable value is the bits representing the value (5, ‘a’, true, etc)
- A reference variable value is the bits representing a way to get to an object on the heap.
- A reference variable is like a remote control, using the dot operator (.) on a reference variable is like pressing a button on the remote control to a access a method or instance variable.
- A reference variable has a value of null when it is not referencing any object.
- An array is always an object, even if the array is declared to hold primitives.