Head First Java Chapter 12 summary

Udesh Kavinda
3 min readNov 17, 2021


Event & Graphics


  • To make a GUI, start with a window, usually a JFrame.

JFrame frame = new JFrame();

  • You can add widgets to the frame using


  • Unlike most other components, the JFrame doesn’t let you add to it directly, so you must add to the JFrame’s content pane.
  • To make the window (JFrame) display you must give it a size and tell it be visible.

frame.setSize(300, 300);


  • To know when the user clicks a button, you need to listen for a GUI Event.
  • To listen for an event, you must register your interest with an event source. An event source is the thing that ‘fires’ and event based on user interaction.
  • The listener interface gives the event source a way to call you back, because the interface defines the method the event source will call when an event happens.
  • To register for events with a source, call the source’s registration method. Registration methods always take the form add<EventType>Listener.
  • Implement the listener interface by implementing all of the interface event-handling methods. Put your event-handling code in the listener call-back method.

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

button.setText("I have been Clicked");


  • The event object passed into the event-handler method carries information about the event, including the source of the event.


  • You can draw 2D Graphics directly on to a widget.
  • You can draw a .gif or .jpeg directly on to a widget.
  • To draw your own graphics make a subclass of JPanel and override the painComponent() method.
  • The paintComponet() method is called by the GUI system. YOU NEVER CALL IT YOURSELF. The argument to paintComponent() is a graphics object that gives you a surface to draw on, which will end up on screen.
  • Typical methods to call on a Graphics Object are:


g.fillRect(20, 50, 100, 100);

  • The Object referenced by the Graphics parameter to paintComponent() is actually a instance of the Graphics2D class.
  • To invoke the Graphics2D methods, you must cast the parameter from a graphics object to a Graphics2D object.

Inner Class

  • An inner class is a class nested inside another class.

class MyOuterClass{

class MyInnerClass{

void go(){}}}

  • An inner class can use all the methods and variables of the outer class even the private ones.
  • The inner class gets to use those variables and methods just as if the methods and variables were declared within the inner class.

class MyOuterClass{

private int x;

class MyInnerClass{

void go(){

x = 42 //use 'x' if it were a variable of the inner class.}}}

  • An inner class instance must be tied to an outer class instance.

class MyOuter{

private int x; //The outer class has a private instance variable x

MyInner inner = new MyInner(); //Make an instance of the inner class,

public void doStuff(){

inner.go(); //call a method on he inner class.}

class MyInner{

void go(){

x = 45;}}}

  • Inner class is also useful when used as a subclass of something the outer class doesn’t extend.

The hierarchy of java swing API is given below.

Make a JFrame

JFrame jFrame=new JFrame();

Give a size to the frame


Make a jButton

JButton jButton=new JButton("click me");

Add the jButton to the JFrame




Udesh Kavinda
Udesh Kavinda

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